domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Cycle 4: April the 29th to may the 6th

Hi guys: This cycle we will develop the following activities.

1. Partial evaluation in the following dates:
6A- april the 29th
6B-April the 30th
6C- April the 30th
6D- April the 29 th

2. Develop a Lab about fermentation, so print this guide or copy it at school.
a. For the first class of the cycle bring exam paper and lab guide

b. For the second class bring the lab guide, and materials on the guide

3. Finally, watch this videos and TAKE NOTES!!!! to get points:

See you on class!!!!

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Cycle 3: April the 22dn to 28th

Hi guys: this cycle we will work on: Organ systems and their functions, and concepts related to Homeostasis and osmoregulation.

1. Watch this video and take notes about it. We will have a quiz related to this!!!

Print or copy this map, and complete it, using the word bank included in the image

concept map
2. This map is related to Homeostasis, print it or copy this

And one presentation about the same topic

I will bring the exercise for you to understand some concepts.

See you on class!!!

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Cycle 2: April the 8th to 21th

Hi guys:

This cycle we will be working on Kingdoms classification of living things:

Watch these videos and TAKE notes, we are going to have a short quiz related to them.


Print Lab guide for the second class of the cycle, or copy that at school. Bring Lab coat, gloves and glasses, pencil and eraser.

See you on class!!!!